A Christ-centered Approach to Servanthood

We are called to love and we are called to serve.

It’s simple really; that we would see others as important and their needs as opportunities to demonstrate how we value them in practical ways is fundamental to what we are called to be and do.  We are to have the mindset that we are not to ask “if” we should serve but rather “who” can we serve now!  It is through this passion to serve others that lives are changed… both the one served and the one initiating that act of service.

The TEN internship will serve.  We will serve because people matter and because we are called to serve.

Our programs will vary, but we are already developing partnerships with local organizations and groups that we can partner with to impact our community.

TEN will:

  • Develop a servant’s heart in its participants.
  • Demonstrate the love of Christ to those we come in contact with.
  • Direct all of its actions according to the leading of the Spirit of God.

I’m stoked because this is what must be done! I am scared because we need people to participate and finances to flow.

Do you want to be a part of changing a city?  Our cost for the 5-month pilot program is $350 a month.

Cleaning work

We’re in the process of cleaning out the new building on Tate & Elm. The building had been used for storage, but is in great shape.

There are only minor modifications that need to be done and then we will be ready to roll!

Holly and I were in meetings today that will help us move forward AND will further the impact this project can have on this community.  Watch for great things to come!
